Monday 31 January 2011

Tragic Icons: Photography Work

I'm no photographer - me and technology in general just don't get along - but seeing as I had to do a fashion photography unit to pass my course, I thought I'd share my pictures ...

We had to do an icons spread, so I choose to do 'tragic icons.' My theme was Glam Rock Chick: The Dark Side. So basically trying to show the other side of the rock and roll lifestyle behinde the glamour and behinde all that eye makeup. What a party girl looks like when the party's over.

Tragic: very sad; especially involving grief or death or destruction

Icon: One who is the object of great attention and devotion; an idol

A tragic icon has to be hugely talented/beautiful and absolutely adored by all but at the same time extremely insecure, depressed and highly addicted to drugs and/or alchohol. It's very important to have the talent and adoration bit because other wise you are just a crack head right? But an addict with a talent and a pretty face? That's the makings of something special. People are darkly obsessed with tradegy and a star with a sad story will always get extra fame points. Here are some of the most famous tragic icons:

Marilyn Monroe: actress, model and sex symbol perfectly portrays both glamour and tragedy

Kurt Cobain: Nirvana's front man, poster child for 90s grunge and tragic depressive and heroin addict

Jimi Hendrix: eccentric fashionista and performer, widely considered the greatest electric guitarist of all time

Edie Sedgwick: one of Andy Warhol's beautiful 'superstars' 'it' girl with a lot of problems

Iconic, beautiful, talented and adored and not one lived past the age of 40.

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