Thursday 16 September 2010

quarter life crisis

It may come as a surprise to thoes of you that know me, but I've been feeling fairly deep as of late and after reading an annoymous blog, I was inspired to share my own feelings.
The first time I thought of the term 'quarter life crisis' was when I turned twenty. I freaked out. I was acting like some crazed menopausal forty something and the truth is I felt old. I'm sure any forty something that may happen to stumble across this will be digusted/horrified/annoyed but I'm just being honest. When I am having my more sensible moments I realise that I am not old and that I still have the majority of my life left to live, but sometimes I do kind of think, "Shit, where'd the time go?"

At the beginning of the summer, something big happened in my life, that confirmed for me, that I was indeed, having a quarter life crisis. After speaking to several of my girlfriends, I realised that the majority of them were feeling the same, just of varying degrees. It's everything from outgrowing your childhood sweetheart to realising that you did completely the wrong college course; some people are as extreme as "Who am I?" and "What the fuck am I doing with my life?"

As much as we moan about it while we're there, school seems so easy looking back: you wake up, throw on a uniform, then get to hang out with your friends all day. Do a few hours of homework (or not in some cases) then hang out with your friends some more. Even after school, it still seemed fairly simple: stay in education, or get a job. But then a few years down the line you either realise that you're in a dead end job or that you have fuck all idea what you're going to do now that the education bit is done.

I haven't had a "What the fuck am I doing with my life?" moment yet. In fact I feel pretty secure in what I want to do for the next 5, maybe even 10 years. But there's this massive part of me that can't help looking back on school days with a sense of nostalgia and wishing I could have just one more go. Not even the whole of school, maybe just like year 10 and 11. It doesn't help that I've got a beautiful and popular sister who has just gone into year 10 as a constant reminder of what I'm missing. What really brought it home to me today, was sitting in a travel agent, struggling to think of just 10 people from school that I would genuinely like to go on holiday with; now rewind back 4 or 5 years and I could have given you at least 20 without pausing for breathe. Another thing that depressed me was reading a message in my year book from one of my best males friends saying "I will never forget you nor will I let you forget me." My, how times change eh?

Thing is, I do love my life, I'm exactly where I want to be, with exactly who I want to be with. Maybe the problem is that I need closure on my teenage years. It all happened so fast and all of a sudden I was 'grown up' before I even realised that I was growing up. I think it's the realisation, that no we may not be old, far from it, but the fact of the matter is, we are not children anymore and I for one find that scary as shit. I will probably look back on this in another twenty years time and laugh at my silly, naive, twenty year old self for being so melodramatic, but right now this is real for me and this is how I feel, and I know I'm not the only one.

Monday 13 September 2010

The big ♥leopard print♥ comeback

comeback [ˈkʌmˌbæk]

n Informal

1. a return to a former position, status, etc.
2. a return or response, esp recriminatory
3. a quick reply; retort

vb come back (intr, adverb)

1. to return
2. to become fashionable again
3. to reply after a period of consideration I'll come back to you on that next week
4. US and Canadian to argue back; retort
5. come back to (someone) (of something forgotten) to return to (someone's) memory

Today, I would like to write about the big leopard print 'comeback'. For me though, the trend never really went anywhere. I will readily accept that I'm slightly fanatical about leopard print - at one point I had 4 pairs heels, 2 pairs of flats and a pair of uggs in the same print, and don't even get my started on my actual clothes, (I think it stems from childhood: Spice Girls came out, Scary Spice was my favourite, and the rest is history). But, my personal obsession aside, it's never exactly been undesirable has it?

 A comeback, for me, would imply that the print at one point became laughable and lost, seemingly forever in fashion obscurity - which it did not. Now if bumbags start making an appearance again, THAT would be a comeback. However I will accept that it's having it's moment again - 'returning to former position/status' - and I for one am very excited. I plan to go all out. You will see my leopard print clashed with different coloured leopard print, with other prints and in just about any texture or fabric I can get my hands on.

Pictured below are Kim Kardashion and Rhianna looking fiercly fashion forward. Rhi Rhi clashing her different coloured prints beautifully, then finishing with statement red lips (this dress needs to find it's way into my life). Then Kim who deserves a high five for jumping on both the velvet and leopard print trends in the form of a hot pink dress, without looking tacky or granified.

Sunday 12 September 2010

my brand spanking shiny new blog

In all honesty this blog is way, way overdue. And although writing my first post in the early hours of the morning, slightly delerious with tiredness - having been at my house mates 21st birthday party last night -may not be the most productive idea, I fear that if I don't just get on and write SOMETHING, then my blog may never actually get off the ground.

I've had lots of ideas buzzing around my head for a while now and I'm so excited to actually start expressing them! My blog will be primarily about fashion but also about all other aspects of my life.

It will go a little something like this:
fashion, fashion, fashion,
men, mates, music,
partying, periods, politics
angry rants, granny pants,
midnight snacks, sale racks
debt, money trouble and being skint
then probably a little bit more about men (come on there's always something to moan about)

I hope my blog will be serious, silly and stylish, but most of all entertaining.

Facebook, eat your heart out - I've got a new addiction ;)