Tuesday 14 December 2010

Home for Christmas

Top Ten Reasons Why I am Ecstatic to be Home

1. Warmth - yes for 3 whole weeks I don't have to sit huddled up to house mates in 3 jumpers and a dressing gown because we are too worried about bills to put the heat back on

2. Food - wondering what there is to eat and the answer not being pasta. I am so excited for my diet to consist of more than pasta, cheese and mayonasise.

3. A Table - it will be such a treat, not only to eat nice food, but to eat food off of an actual table

4. The Famo - my mum, dad, bro and sis. especially banter with the bro and sis: my 'lesbian' hair cut and 'shortness' compared to them, his big head and girlie scream, her squinty eyes and small forehead - it's how siblings bond

5. Washing - "Here you go mum I brought you a lovely big bag of dirty clothes for Christmas. Love you."

6. Freebies - "When you go to Sainbury's can you just get me some face wipes, shampoo, conditioner and hair spray, oh and you might as well pick me up some eyelashes and wine while your there - just saying

7. LIFTS - car beats the bus/train any day every day =D

8. The Extended Family - I welcome madness back into my life with fully open arms

happy families
9. Presents - family comes bearing gifts? always a bonus

10. TV - watching Christmas TV on my big lush tele while sat on my big lush leather sofa. Eastenders and Corrie? yes flipping please

And A Few Down Points ...

1. Famo - mum and sis - ok I love you now, lets see how much I love you 1 week, 3 rows and 6 borrowed items of clothing later

2. Rules - ok so not rules as such, but having to actually tell another person that your going out, what time you'll be back and whether you want dinner or not

3. Expensive Nights Out - "but what do you mean it's not free to get in with a student card?" £8 entry, £6 drinks and no student loan until January = an early night

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